Clayton Brook Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. Governors


Overview of the Governing Body

Clayton Brook has 13 governors, one appointed by the Lancashire Education Authority, one staff governor, eight who are co-opted governors and have an interest in the school, two who are parent governors and have or had children at the school and the Headteacher.

Parent governors are elected every four years and provide an important line of communication between parents and the governing body.

All the governors meet once a term to make decisions about how the school is run.  They work with and support the Headteacher and all of the staff to ensure the smooth running of Clayton Brook Primary School.

The governors serve on committees and meet at least once a term.  Our governors discuss a variety of issues at both committee meetings and full governors meetings.  The areas covered by the committees are finance, premises and personnel, nursery, curriculum, grievance and staffing.  On occasions new staffs need to be selected and interviews are held and new appointments made.

Current Governors 2024/25

Mr H Tattersall, Chair of Governors - Co-Opted

Mr G Bolan, Vice Chair of Governors - Co-Opted

Mrs A Wooldridge - LEA Governor

Mrs D Bolan - Co-Opted

Vacancy - Co-Opted

Vacancy - Co-Opted

Mr N Heatley - Co-Opted

Mrs J Davenport - Co-Opted

Mr P Davenport - Co-Opted

Mr M Lyons - Parent Governor

Miss J Kwiatkowska - Parent Governor

Mrs L Taylor - Staff Governor

Mr P Farina - Headteacher

Nicola O'Nions - Clerk to Governors