Design Technology
Curriculum Information
Welcome to Clayton Brook Primary School Design and Technology Curriculum page, we hope that you find some useful information and what to expect from D&T being taught at Clayton Brook.
Our D&T Team is Mrs Monks (Subject Lead) and Mrs Danyardi supported by D&T Subject Ambassador, Harley (Year 5)
Our D and T vision is to creatively design and make products that solve real and relevant problems.
Vision and principles for Design and Technology at Clayton Brook Primary School.
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Overview - Long Term Plan
DT around school....
There will be lots of DT learning this term and the DT Subject Team are looking to meet the children to discuss their learning in the coming weeks.
Primary Engineering Project in Association with BAXI engineering.
Celebration Event at Preston College - the children’s models were tested and they enjoyed interviews with the engineers.
Congratulations Team Repunzel for winning the Creative Award.
Autumn 2024
In EYFS, design and technology has links with the Early Years Framework in Understanding the World, Physical Development and Expressive Arts and Design. Children are encouraged to incorporate their exploration of the natural world to stimulate enquiry as to how the world around them works. In PD they begin to use small tools to create, and in EAAD they combine these skills to choose what to make and how to make it.
Year 1
Explore slider mechanisms to make moving book.
Year 2 -Structures
Explore stability and methods to strengthen structures, to understand katie Morag’s pier weaknesses and develop an improved solution.
Brilliant Beginning - constructing a new lighthouse for Isle of Struay
Year 3 -Food
Learning about seasonal foods and creating a seasonal food tart.
Year 4 - Electrical Systems
Introducing information design and developing an electric interactive poster.
Year 5 - Mechanical Systems
Create a functional pop-up book using levers, sliders, layers and spacers to create paper-based mechanisms.
Year 6 - Food (Foraging in our local area)
Selecting recipes to create a Seasonal dessert and explore basic tastes and complementary flavours.